Dubai Consumer Mirror

Saturday, December 31, 2005

A Tribute to Teta

My wife's grandmother passed away yesterday. We received the sad news through a phone call that we got at 3am Friday morning.

We didn't sleep well since..

I never had the chance to know my wife's grandmother (Teta) - and its eating me up 'cause I heard nothing but how kind and lovable she was.

Teta lived her entire life in Beirut. I first met her about 4 years ago here in Dubai when the Mrs and I were still engaged. Unfortunately, we never had the chance to see her again since then.

We were planning to fly to Beirut this summer, following the anticipated delivery of babygirl this coming February. But God's plans overrule anyone's and we can't do nothing but to accept His wish for that meeting to never taking place.

Teta was a wonderful woman. She was loved by her family and adored by everyone who knew her. She dedicated her entire life to her children and raised them well.

Living through the Lebanese civil war and its atrocities, Teta refused to leave her country and people. She is survived by her sons and daughters who live in UAE, Lebanon and Germany.

Though we are grieved by her demise, there is a painfully comforting feeling of relief to know that she peacefully rested her soul in her daughter's (my mother in law) arms.

May God have mercy on her soul and rest her in his heavenly gardens of Eden. We love you Teta and you will always be in our hearts.

moryarti and wife

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

As if no one saw it coming

I highly doubt this story made the English press, as Al Bayan is claiming exclusivity. I will try to translate the most important bits.

You get to choose how you want to react to it.


تنشر «البيان» اليوم نموذجاً لقوائم زيادات الأسعار التي طالب بها الموردون الذين هددوا بوقف توريد منتجاتهم مع بداية العام المقبل إلى الاتحاد التعاوني الاستهلاكي اذا رفض الزيادات التي تتراوح بين 10 إلى 30%.

Several UAE based Suppliers today are threatening that if Al Ittihad (Union Coop) does not accept the 10 to 30% prices hikes for the coming year, they (suppliers) will halt the distribution of their products to the Coops. Albayan is printing a sample of some of the products thats prices will go up.


وحذر الاتحاد من ان الرضوخ لطلبات رفع الأسعار سيكون مثل كرة الثلج التي ستشجع على تكرار الزيادة وسوف تدفع الموردين الآخرين للمطالبة بزيادة على أسعار وارداتهم وطالب الاتحاد بتدخل صريح من جانب الحكومة والجمهور والرأي العام لدعم موقفه الرافض لقبول الزيادة التي طالبوا بها.

The Union Coop warned againt giving-in to these requests as they will have a grave "snowball" effect by encouraging other suppliers and consumer prices to increase their prices. The Union demanded a strong intervention by the government, consumers and public opinion to supports the Union's rejecting stand against the price hikes.

Lets see.. the government is still warming up to give the newly Consumer Price Index a trial run, Consumer Protection in the UAE is a joke and everyone knows this and the public opinion? YEAH RIGHT.. how much are you paying for petrol today?

ويأتي ذلك في الوقت الذي بلغت فيه مطالبات الزيادة إلى 60% من قبل إحدى شركات الزيوت والى 64% لأحد أنواع الألبان كما دخلت صناعة الخبز على خط الزيادة خلال طلب مبدئي تقدمت به هيئة المخابز

This comes at a time a private vegetable oil company requested a price increase that reaches up to 60%. A dairy products company to also announced a 64% increase on all their retail prices. Also, The Bread Producers Syndicate requested a price hike on the retail price of bread and other baked products.

Anything but bread, ask the Egyptians and Jordanians during the late 80s.

وطالبت مصادر الاتحاد التعاوني الاستهلاكي بتدخل حكومي مباشر لقمع هذه الزيادات خاصة بعد التأكد من قبول بعض الشركات الخاصة ومحلات بيع التجزئة لطلبات الموردين بزيادة الأسعار بل والتقدم بطلبات شراء للعام المقبل بالأسعار الجديدة المفروضة من قبل الموردين

Sources from the Union demanded immediate government intervention to halt these price hikes especially after many Suppliers have confirmed that other "private" stores and supermarkets did not only accept the price increments, but already submitted purchase orders with the new prices for 2006.

Of course they will! Who cares? Consumers in the UAE are like sheep. Whenever they are told to bend over, they make some noise for a while, maybe b!tch and moan about it in 7days a little, then they give in.

وأشارت المصادر إلى أن هذا الأمر سيؤدي إلى خلق أزمة بالنسبة للجمعيات التعاونية نظراً لفقدان الموقف الموحد وغياب المساندة الحكومية بالرغم من محاولات التنسيق التي يبذلها الاتحاد الاستهلاكي التعاوني بين الجمعيات التعاونية من جهة وبين وزارتي العمل والاقتصاد من جهة أخرى من أجل وضع السبل الكفيلة بالتصدي لظاهرة زيادة الأسعار.

Sources also indicated that in spite of several coordination attempts between coops and the ministries of Labor and Economy to stop the price increases, the lack of a strong unified stand by Coops along with the lack of government support will further worsen the situation.

OK... here comes the HOT STUFF;

ومازالت الشركات تتقدم بطلبات الزيادة إلى الجمعيات التعاونية حيث تقدمت شركة الوطنية للدواجن بطلب لزيادة أسعار منتجاتها موضحة أن هذه المرة الأولى التي تطلب فيها رفع أسعارها منذ أربع سنوات لتصل إلى 9.5 دراهم للكيلو الواحد من الدجاج المجمد، وشركة بطاريات إنرجايزر التي تتراوح الزيادة في منتجاتها من 18% إلى 20%، وهيئة المخابز المكونة من ستة مخابز والتي طالبت من خلال طلب مبدئي بطلب لزيادة الأسعار موقع من الأعضاء يوضحون فيه أن غلاء أسعار المواد الأولية كالطحين والسكر والحليب والزيوت تؤدي إلى خسارتهم.

Many companies are still applying for price increase. Al Wataniya Chicken requested the price of frozen chicken to go up to Dhs 9.5/KG, claiming this is the first time they increase prices in 4 years. Energizer Batteries are expected to go up 18% to 20% on all its product. The Bakeries Syndicate (a private body of six major bakeries) submitted a price-increase request that is signed by all members of the syndicate. Their justification is the increase in basic material such as flower, sugar, milk and oils is causing them losses.

But wait .. this gets even better..

بالإضافة إلى الشركات الأخرى التي قدمت طلبات سابقة لزيادة الأسعار والتي تنوعت بين المنتجات الغذائية والاستهلاكية والتي اختلفت نسبة زيادتها حيث تقدم مورد زيوت الوزير بطلب لزيادة الأسعار بنسبة تصل إلى 60% على جميع منتجاتها المختلفة الاحجام والمقاسات مشيرة إلى أن السبب في هذه الزيادة هو النقص الكبير في الزيت الإسباني ما يؤثر بالتالي على إنتاج الزيوت.

Many other vendors also requested price increases with various percentages. Olive oil producer Al Wazeer (or Al Wazir) announced that it is increasing prices by 60% on all its products. Al Wazeer is saying that the cause of this hike is the shortage in Spanish olive oil supply.

Syria and Lebanon produce superb olive oil btw...

كما أن الزيادة تطال منتجات حليب أبو قوس حيث يصل سعر العلبة الواحدة إلى 1.85 درهم بعد أن كانت 1.30 درهم ليصل سعر الكرتونة إلى 48 درهماً بزيادة تصل إلى 5%، وأرز السنارة أيضاً تقدم بطلب لزيادة أسعار منتجاته بنسبة تصل إلى 10% رغم زيادة أسعاره قبل فترة قريبة كما أن شركة الإمارات للتكرير والتي تنتج المايونيز والكاتشب أيضاً قدمت طلباً بزيادة منتجاتها وبنسبة تصل إلى 10% كما أن شركة منتجات حليب الأطفال نان1 ونان2 وناب آر وجوي كوز1 جوي كوز2 طالبت بزيادة كذلك، بالإضافة إلى طلب زيادة أسعار مواد التنظيف والصابون كاللوكس والفا والشامبو ومزيل العرق وبأنواع مختلفة وبنسبة متفاوتة تتراوح بين 10% إلى 20%.

Rainbow Milk will jump from Dhs 1.30 to 1.85. 'Al Sennara' rice increased by 10% as well as Emirates Mayonnaise and Ketchup by 10%. Infant and baby milk brands Nan1, Nan2, Nap R, Joy Cos1 Joy Cos2 alo by 10%. Price of body products like Lux soup and other types of shampoo, deodorant will increase by 10 to 20%.

Way to go P&G ...

وعلمت «البيان» أن بعض الجمعيات التعاونية عملت منذ فترة سابقة على إيقاف تعاملها مع عدد من الموردين نظراً للخلافات التي نشبت بينها وبينهم على ضوء الطلبات المتكررة في زيادة الأسعار وبشكل لا يتناسب مع سياستها ومنها منتجات إم إم آي ومنتجات زيت العربي ومنتجات بريل كريم وجميع منتجاتها

Al Bayan revealed that several Coops already ceased working with several suppliers due to disagreements regarding too frequent price hikes and incompatible pricing prices by companies that supply MMI products, Bryl Cream products and Al Arabi cooking oil.

more items off my shopping list as well..

من جهته أكد الدكتور سليمان موسى الجاسم رئيس الاتحاد التعاوني الاستهلاكي على ضرورة إشراك كافة قطاعات المجتمع في مواجهة محاولة موردي المواد الغذائية الرئيسية رفع الأسعار كضرورة تفرضها ظروف حماية المجتمع من الآثار السلبية لغول الغلاء.

Dr. Sulaiman Mousa AlJassim, president of the Union Coop called for all members of the UAE community to stand against this price hikes by foodstuff suppliers and warned against the "monster" of price hikes.

ودعا الحكومة إلى حماية الجمهور الذي يتكون معظمه من محدودي ومتوسطي الدخل، موضحاً أنه على الحكومة أن تضغط على منتجي ووكلاء الأغذية حتى لا يتصيدوا الفرص لاستغلال الجمهور والبسطاء برفع الأسعار ما يؤدي إلى أن تصبح الدولة بلداً عالي التكاليف وطارداً للشركات العالمية التي ستتجه إلى دول أخرى أقل تكلفة في ظل المنافسة القوية التي تستهدف اجتذاب الشركات العالمية.

He also called upon the government to to protect the public that consist mainly of middle to the lower income range. He also said that the government has to intervene to stop these exploitive measurements and allowing them to increase prices like that will harm the country as it will become less attractive to foreign investors, who will look for less expensive competitive destinations.

Finally, someone speaking some sense. Consumption, is one of the components of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), which is any nation's growth indicator by measuring the dollar value of goods and services produced in 1 year.

Now, with the price of everything else (rent, petrol, untilties..etc) soaring, disposable income is shrinking even more that it already is, forcing locals and expats (the majority of the UAE community) to take corrective measure.

The most common expat corrective measure is partial reallocation. And thats when a family head decides to send the rest of his family back (wife and kids) to their home country. The pseudo-bachelor will then bunk-in with 3 or 4 other bachelors. This is the most common case and its already happening alot in the UAE.

Then you have total reallocattion to another country. Which is, on the long run, a major loss to any nation. Especially of the nation is heavily dependent on middle/lower class labor. Because all the acquired experience which expat workers gained in -and paid for by- the UAE, will be used by another welcoming nation. Similar thing happened in Kuwait in post Gulf War II when all the skilled labor moved to the UAE, Qatar, Saudi after the Iraq invasion in '90 and '91.

The effects of this phenomenon on the economy are very severe. First, it will slow down the country's money cycle (no more ongoing family expenses - bachelors live very simple/ less expenisve lives) more people will reply on credit and the economy will suffer cash shortages.

This will also cause major drop in foreign currency reserves since majority of expats are both saving their money and transferring the rest to their families back home - its also called cash flight -.

Additionally, the lost business caused by family members leaving school, not buying from groceries, laundries, leisure services .. etc, will damage small businesses in the UAE - which are about 80% to 85% of the UAE economy.

Middle and lower income locals will find it very difficult to adapt to the new prices. As a result the government might be forced to increase wage (again), hence inducing more inflation and basically adding more zippo fluid to the burning prices.

Many locals will revert to bank loans and credit cards to make ends meet... more defaulters, more crime .. basically, all the signs of a total recession.

Of course i will not even go near the social issues that will come along all this. It is only the tip of the iceberg.

This scenario may sound very pessimistic, but it is very real. It happened to almost every nation in the world, and the UAE is no exception. The way things are going right now, it looks more and more realistic.

So are we gonna react??

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

New Year's Question

Its THAT time of the year again. The time everyone asks you "whats up for new year?". I don't mind getting asked every five minutes by every phone call or everyone I bump into in the street. What i do mind is when I am judged, assessed or evaluated based on how much money am gonna be spending for a "11:00pm to 1:00 am" gig on that night.

I also hate it when I get that sympathetic face if my answer was anything near "am gonna stay home and chill out with the family" - which, most probably, will be the case this year.

So, since everyone is really trying and working really hard to know what your's truely will be doing for new years, I think its a shame to have all this inquisitive energy go to waste.

I know i can redirect it to make the best out of it .. for example, i can use it to:

Get things done for me
Cool friend: What are you doing for new years ya man?
me: wallah no plans yet
Cool friend: walla yhemmak ya man (don't sweat it), i made bookings at this great place - Dhs 400 per person and counted you and the Mrs. in.
me: Sweet!

Bust a wannabe's chops
Wannabe-cool friend: SUP MAN, NEW YEARS IS GOING DOWN - i booked at this ultra cool place for 1000 dirhams a pop. I am inviting ALL my wasta friends, and there iz gonna be hoes and sh!t..what are you doin?
Me: My best friend, the Egyptian pop singer, will be in town. So he made reservations in Boudoir for Dhs 2500 per person along with his other celeb friends. Most of the hot models from his latest video clip will be there. My singer friend also told me that all the models are planning a wet t-shirt contest at 12...
*Wannabe-cool friend turning green*

Get ahead in my career
Boss: What are you doing for new years?
me: Well sir, you know i moved to a new house, i don't think i can party cause my back hurts from sleeping on the floor. I also need to save money for the new baby we are expecting.. And my car is still in the garage .... and..
Boss: Pass by my office later today .. its time we discuss your appraisal and promotion

Get Parental Support
Dad:what are you gonna do for new years baba?
Me: Anything low profile, you know i don't have money and everything is expensive in dubai, rent, dewa ... etc
Dad: Don't worry my son, i will wire you some money this afternoon - make sure you enjoy your time

Me: i love you baba!

Make a good impression
Conservative friend: Assalamo 3alaikom, what will you do in the upcoming vacation my brother?
Me: I will sit back and think of all the bad things i did, what could I've done to avoid them and focus on helping my fellow brothers and sisters around the world

Conservative friend: baraka allahu feek (god bless you) - we need more believers like you

Dodge work deadlines
Client: I need (delivery, report, mail, files..etc) ASAP
me: But sir, you know that its new years and most people took xmas all the way to new years as holiday. No one is getting back to me ... i have been trying really hard.
Client: Oh, its not a problem then - happy new year

Any more ideas?

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Tough Choices

I needed to get some paperwork done this morning. When I got to the place, I couldn't make up my mind ..

Should i take the ...

or the ...

Friday, December 23, 2005

Wake up call

If we get to see more misery in Dubai; more beggars in the streets, people in rags and street orphans, handicapped or physically challenged like the blind, deaf or people missing a limb or two...

If we get to see more old & worn-out houses and less glittery malls & hotels... add to that spotting a few homeless people here and there from time to time - Wouldn't that remind us of how lucky we are and there are more important things to worry about than 'I was served a cold soup the other day' or 'someone stole the 7days copy from our doorstep' ...?

Just something to think about ..

Monday, December 19, 2005

New Traffic Signs

For the past two years, traffic in Dubai has been everybody's water-cooler-kitchen-pantry-small-talk topic of the day. Many ideas, suggestions and proposals on how to help solve Dubai's traffic problems are currently in discussion.

Some ideas are fairly sane and reasonable such as introducing alternative public transportation systems, expanding lanes or adding new ones, building more bridges and tunnels and introducing an intelligent traffic control and management solution.

Other ideas were a bit more on the wild side such as: Introducing road tolls and making Dubai a giant theme park (more than it already is) and have everyone pay to enter the city. Another wacky idea was to make working schedules according to areas. I.E. deira offices start work at 7:30, bur dubai at 8:30, SZR at 9:30 and the Free-zones at 10:30 (someone actually proposed that in Emirates Today's letters section a couple of days ago!).

I thought to myself: "if everybody else is doing it, why don't i give it a go?"
So i did, and this is what I came up with: A whole new collection of traffic signs.













Friday, December 16, 2005

Benefit of the doubt, NO MORE

/begin rant

Frequent visitors to this blog may have noticed that I don't really rant too much.

I am not a picky kindda guy.. Things like .. "bo ho ... someone cut me off on the road.." or " could that waiter ask me if i finished my plate or not.." - don't really bother me. Life is way too short to dwell over such things.

But today's nerve surges were exceptional... not only they were an interpretation of a serious lack of consideration, civil responsibility and generic manners within a growing segment of the expat community, they all went down in one day!

The plan was to have an outdoor BBQ lunch today. So, on my way to the meeting point, Mrs. M and I passed by a gas station. The Eppko guy didn't realize for about 10 minutes that the gas pump stopped at Dhs 3 when I actually told him to "fill 'er up". Thats OK - these things happen all the time and I wasn't really in a hurry - an extra 5 minutes of watching people coming in and out won't hurt... or will they?

As I waited, a guy pulled out of the mini mart parking with his toddler in his lap clutching on the steering wheel. I have seen this before and every time I do, i ask myself: Why don't we arabs stop this backwardness? Its not cute, its reckless, its against the law and its plain dumb. Doesn't the fckuer realize that is using his baby as an airbag?

I look away to notice another (fckuer), parking his crappy piece of junk in the middle of the driveway - literally blocking access to the mini mart parking space. His 3 year old is jumping around strapless in the backseat and his wife busy fixing her make up (typical).

Then the schmuck gets off his car - GET THIS - with a lit cigarette in his hand! Can you believe that wanker? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?!

"OKAY... Time to leave the place ASAP!".

Car is full, paid up the overworked gasguy and in anticipation to leave this disaster-waiting-to-happen, I start zigzagging my way out between cars that are double-parked and others nosing too much into the driveway. (I was ok with that since I do this zigzagging every morning on my way to work)

We met with our friends at Safa Park on al Wasel Road. We found a cool spot, set up the place and settled down. Great weather, great company and great fresh-straight-off-the-grill food.

While having lunch, we notice a lady, which I will not mention her background, with her son closing in. She brings her 2 year old, strategically places him between the bushes few yards from our table, strips him buttnacked and watches over him as his takes an impressively large dump.

As we stood there watching in disbelief, all what I was thinking of is this: The lavatory is just a few feet away and, as far as i know, Dubai Municipality is generous when it comes to manuring up its parks' greenery - so if thats the case - COULD SOMEONE TELL ME WHY IS SHE DOING THAT?

I usually give people the benefit of the doubt. Thats the way i am. But from what I am seeing everyday, some behavior is just ... unjustifiable

I am really losing hope.

/end rant

Copy Cat Competition - deadline

Its official - deadline is over.

I recieved plenty of entries which I am going through to find if anyone will score the free original google merchandise :)

I will keep you posted on the answers and results soon.

Thanks for everyone who participated...

Monday, December 12, 2005

'Who is the Copy Cat' Competition

Who is the Copy Cat, Who is not
Alright .. welcome to the first UAE Blogger Competition.

The rules are very easy. In the image above, all what you need to do is find out who is the logo copy cat and email me your answers (or guesses) to dubaimirroratgmaildotcom in this format.: No. Copy cat Logo

For example; The answer to No.1 , which i think is the most difficult one (sic), is like this: 1. first logo

The logos were supplied by Mr. Copy Cat Cop who, for the sake of not compromising competition integrity, I shall not reveal his/her identity till its after the competition deadline.

This is not a joke. The blogger that gets all answers correct in 3 days from the date of the post, will receive a fabulous and 100% original blogger t-shirt - or this one if the winner is a female - mailed straight to his or her doorstep*.

Prize is sponsored by your No. 1 favorite newspa...errm... i mean blog, Dubai Consumer Mirror.

Good Luck!

* Only notified winner will submit personal details to receive prize. Winner's personal prize delivery details (name, address, t-shirt size..etc) will be completely and entirely confidential.

Saturday, December 10, 2005



ring ring

Operator: Telefonat
Caller: Hi.. i just moved to a new house in the same building, i was wondering whats the procedure on transferring my ADSL account?
Operator: Fill application and bring copy of new tenancy contract
Caller: And how long would it take for the transfer?
Operator: Its crowded these days because of ADSL special promotion. Any application will take 3 to 4 weeks - maybe more depending on how lucky you are.
Caller: .... and since its the same building - i reckon there is no cost .. yes?
Operator: No. you have to pay 200

few seconds of silence

Caller: Thank you!

hung up

caller is thinking: 200 transfer fee + 1 month subscription fee without INTERNET = 390

ring ring

Operator: Telefonat
Caller: Hi, i have an ADSL account which i would like to cancel - is there a closing account fee?
Operator: No
Caller: Thank you

hung up

ring ring

Operator: Telefonat
Caller: Hi, do you have any special promos for ADSL account?
Operator: Yes, for new sign ups - no subscription fee, 1 month free
Caller: I guess it will take sometime to get the service set up because of the load due to ADSL promo right?
Operator: Yes - 3 to 4 weeks maybe less
Caller: Thank you

hung up


In Telefonat branch A
Caller: I would like to cancel my ADSL account.
Clerk: Fill application, sign here

30 minutes later

In Telefonat branch B
Caller: I would like to sign up a new ADSL account; the special promo.
Clerk: Fill application, sign here

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Home Improvement

My bones are aching and my muscles are soar. I am running out of elbow grease faster than anyone can say supercalifredgalisticaxpeialidocious.

No, i did not head back to the gym (i wish)...

In anticipation and preparation for our first babygirl who's ETA is this coming February, Mrs. M. "suggested" that we move to a bigger flat. So I informed and literally begged our landlord for a bigger flat and thankfully we managed to score a really good 3br in the same building.

The place is great, huge reception area, very large rooms …bla bla bla

Anyhow, we vacated 2 days ago and i have to wait till Monday to request Etisalat to transfer my ADSL account (lets see how long that will take). Cable TV is half way there. Orbit is working, but Showtime isn't .. thats Showtime for ya!

Tonight is our 3rd night in the new house, loads of boxes to unpack, new curtains to order, frames to mount and plenty of newer things that my I mean, WE need to buy.

In the midst of all this I noticed something about myself; I realized that I might suffer from a sever case of OCD! (google the acronym if you don't know what that means).

I never imagined that I have, and kept, so much JUNK just laying there in the house for all these years.

I won't even go near my wife's "valuable" possessions and belongingness - cause i really don't feel like having all da ladies in da house going all Oprah on me.

I will just talk about us, men, the hommies, mochachos or what ever you wanna nickname the masculine gender.

These are some of the self observations i've noticed... on and btw, I found several guys doing the same thing .. so, I think it’s just a guy thang. (no OCD .. thank the heavens!)

Or is it? Guys check this and let me know ..

1. What’s up with our (men's) fascination with empty card board boxes and used sheets of bubble wrap? My entire house was moved in less than 8 hours by Unions Movers (great service btw and very good prices). None of the old boxes which i've kept all this time were used. They even boxed my empty boxes!

2. Printed material: Why do we insist on keeping all the versions of the Yellow, Blue or Red Pages phone books, business directories or tourists guides? I don't know - maybe its to impress the ladies by showing them stacks and stacks of printed material lined up in your pathetic bookshelf?

I threw away so many old Yellow Pages directories, it will give the Green Peace a pretty darn good reason to camp outside my house in protest!

And all those conference/exhibition brochures, guides and catalogues - throw away immediately! Yalla ..

3. Wires and other electronic devices: I am not talking about a few pieces of cords here, but Miles of them! In all shape, form and color: Electrical, coaxial, digital, airtight, insulated, stripped, optic, USB, fire-wire, serial, parallel, ps2, AUX connections, old Playstatoin game pads (the gray ones) and broken Playstation 2 ones, phone chargers, damaged mobile earphones, your old Nokia 1100, old disposable cameras that you never bothered to develop, remote controls for devices i have no idea where they are ... and a truck load of AAA batteries!

Oh and believe me – I highly doubt that the Intel 486 MMX with 4x CD ROM, 8mb RAM and 14.4 mbps external modem will be any use!

4. Clothes: Dream on Cowboy, you will never get back that fit! Throw away those tight blue jeans - Better yet, place them in a bag with the rest of your wonder years clothing collection, and drop them at the nearest Red Crescent collection point (City Center, Mall of the Emirates..etc).


Anyhow, its getting late and I have to leave the office. I am gonna head to my INTERNET-less home – I have lotsa walls to drill holes into...


Thursday, December 01, 2005

Whats your favorite Nutella recipe?

Inspired by this post by my good friend Abha, I wanted to share with you my favorite Nutella recipe. I call it the Nutella Double Dip Delight. Its very easy to prepare and -using BBC FOOD channel lingo - you can add your personal touch to this recipe anyway you like, literally!

1 Nutella Jar

2 fingers, preferably washed

1. Join index and middle finger together and shape in the form of a hook
2. With other hand, open Nutella jar (chef tip: it is advised you maintain your calmness at this stage).

3. Deeply immerse hook-shaped fingers in jar and in a half circle-like motion, pull fingers in upward direction
4. Obsessively lick fingers
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as you find necessary

Recipe suitable for one person (or more depending on how freaky you are)